Information for Authors
Short Track Paper Submission
Short Track papers are invited to be considered for the conference on topics relating to Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, including:-
- Sustainable Buildings
- Smart Energy Systems and Optimisation
- Renewable Energy Technologies and Integration with the Built and Natural Environment
- Computing and Intelligent Communications Technology for Sustainability
Short Track papers may be more superficial descriptions than Full Track Papers, but should still be complete and self-contained. The guide length for Short Track papers is between 1 and 6 pages.
Papers hould be submitted through as PDF documents through the PROSE online submission and review system.
Submissions for the Short Paper Track will be subjected to a less rigorous review than Full Papers and presented as posters or oral presentations, depending on the characteristics of the submission and the reviewers' comments.
Short Track papers will be published as open-access web publications in SEB Research Advances along with the Powerpoint used in the presentation, in the KES Open Access Library (KOALA).
Guidance notes for the preparation of Short Papers is available .. here ..
There is no requirement to complete a copyright form, as papers are published under the KOALA copyight agreement, available for viewing .. here ..
Publication Files
When the PDF copy of the paper has been accepted you will receive an email asking for the publication files.
At this point the following files are required:-
-- A full set of word-processor files for the camera-ready paper, in MS Word or LaTeX,
including all image files necessary to fully reproduce it
-- A PDF copy of the full paper, made from these source files, with all comments and page numbering removed
-- A summary of the paper of about 100 words in TEXT
The papers will be scheduled for presentation either orally or by poster, depending on their attributes, author preferences and referee recommendations.
Oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length, including 5 minutes for discussion. Oral presentations should be accompanied by powerpoint slides.
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